The 2nd Workshop on a fisheries-based fleet segmentation approach was held on March 2022 and organized by RCG ECON, in the context of the Intersessional subgroup – Novel approach to the segmentation of fishing fleets and the EU Data Collection Framework.
The training course involved 38 scientists from 17 Member States (MS) and representatives from ICES and the EU Commission.
During two days, 28-30th March 2022, the group met virtually under the chairmanship of Erik Sulanke and Jörg Berkenhagen, Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Germany. To continue the work on a fisheries-based fleet segmentation approach, using evaluation tools that had been further amended, based on the findings of the first workshop in March 2021. Report
Participants applied an R evaluation package to cluster vessels with respect to their main gear and catch composition using national catch and fleet information. The results were compiled and compared on a regional basis. It was concluded that the clustering procedure allows to thoroughly analyse the different catch profiles of clusters of vessels within the same dominant gear class. The evaluation package includes also features like vessel number, total catch or vessel size distribution, thus giving further insight into the structure of clusters.
During the regional analyses participants highlighted similarities and differences of the structure of MS fleets. This kind of detailed information is not provided by the fleet segmentation as currently defined under the data collection legislation.