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RCGs Secretariat

Fishn’co project successfully completes the development of Regional Work Plans for the RCGs NANSEA, Baltic, Large Pelagics and ECON

FISHN’CO project has reached its conclusion after two years of work aimed at strengthening EU-wide cooperation on fisheries data collection through the development of Regional Work Plans (RWPs) for the Regional Coordination Groups (RCGs) North Atlantic, North Sea and Eastern Arctic; Baltic; Large Pelagics and Economics Issues for the period 2025-2027. These RWPs are aimed at gathering and give more visibility to all coordinated actions… Read More »Fishn’co project successfully completes the development of Regional Work Plans for the RCGs NANSEA, Baltic, Large Pelagics and ECON

Intersessional Subgroups

New information about ISSGs is available

Our website hosts a new section dedicated to the Intersessional Subgroups (ISSGs) in which users can learn more about these structures whose main function is to support the workplan of Regional Coordination Groups (RCGs), across the year. In this section, it is easy to identify aims, chairs and RCGs involved in each ISSG. Throughout these years, we have been incorporating different contents focused on the… Read More »New information about ISSGs is available

viedo fisheries RCG

Do you want to know more about Secweb project? Watch our video!

In line with SECWEB project objective of promoting Regional Coordination Groups (RCGs) visibility and to disseminate RCGs work and outcomes, the RCG’s Secretariat has been coordinating the recording of a video that is launched today. The video allows users to learn a little more about how the RCGs are structured and what their work consists of, as well as to explain the functions of the… Read More »Do you want to know more about Secweb project? Watch our video!


Fishn’Co at a glance

Fishn’Co project will end on February 2023 and to celebrate it we have prepared a video that summarizes the work done over the last two years. The viewer will be able to understand through this video the importance of the collection, management, and use of fisheries data that are essential to provide sound scientific advice. In addition, the video elaborates on the complexity of this… Read More »Fishn’Co at a glance


STREAMLINE reaches its end after achieving its main objective of supporting the RCG Med&BS in drafting a Regional Work Plan

After two years of work, the STREAMLINE project came to an end in December 2022 accomplishing the planned objectives.   STREAMLINE reaches its end after achieving its main objective of supporting the RCG Med&BS in drafting a Regional Work Plan (RWP) for the Mediterranean and Black Sea through a co-creative work process with the RCG Med&BS and Member States. Taking advantage of the outcomes of the… Read More »STREAMLINE reaches its end after achieving its main objective of supporting the RCG Med&BS in drafting a Regional Work Plan


FISHN’CO partners and experts workshop in Vigo

Partners of European project FISHN’CO met this week in a hybrid event hosted at Fundación Centro Tecnológico del Mar-Fundación CETMAR with the aim of advancing the development of the Regional Work Plans (RWP), the main objective of the project. The workshop, held from 18th to 20th October, lasted over three days in which the participants first addressed the progress made within each work package, detailing… Read More »FISHN’CO partners and experts workshop in Vigo


RCG Long Distance Fisheries Annual Technical Meeting report – 2022 is now available

The annual report of RCG LDF technical meeting 2022 is now available under the Reports section. The document was compiled after the RCG LDF annual technical meeting (TM) that was held in a hybrid format, with a group of participants attending the meeting physically (Funchal, Madeira, Portugal from July 13th to 15th) and others connecting to the meeting through the online ZOOM communication platform. The… Read More »RCG Long Distance Fisheries Annual Technical Meeting report – 2022 is now available

NANSEA_Baltic Annual_Technical_Meeting

Now available RCG NANSEA & RCG Baltic Annual Technical Meeting report – 2022

The annual report of RCG NANSEA & RCG Baltic technical meeting 2022 is now available under the Reports section. The document is composed of three parts: Part I report compiled after the annual technical meeting (TM ),  Part II Decisions and Recommendations, Part III, Intersessional Subgroups (ISSG) 2021-2022 Reports. RCG RCG NANSEA and RCG Baltic 2022 TM was held from 7th to 10th June in… Read More »Now available RCG NANSEA & RCG Baltic Annual Technical Meeting report – 2022

Level of ambitions RCG

Interactive infographic of Level of Ambition available online

It is now available online the interactive infographic of Level of Ambition for the different Thematic Focus Areas. This is an output of  Fishn’Co project -Work Package 1 (WP1) in collaboration with RCGs. FISHN’CO addresses the need to develop Regional Work Plans (RWPs) for the RCGs North Atlantic, North Sea and Eastern Arctic; Baltic; Large Pelagics and Economics Issues, delivering support to these RCGs and… Read More »Interactive infographic of Level of Ambition available online


Now available RCG ECON Annual Technical Meeting report – 2022

The annual report of RCG ECON technical meeting 2022 is now available under  Report sections. The report   is composed of seven main sections and it was compiled after the annual technical meeting (TM).  Section 3 is dedicated to the list of recommendations, followed by summary of work plan for 2022-2024 (section 4) and an overview of the work done under each ToR (section 6). Details… Read More »Now available RCG ECON Annual Technical Meeting report – 2022