It is now available online the interactive infographic of Level of Ambition for the different Thematic Focus Areas. This is an output of Fishn’Co project -Work Package 1 (WP1) in collaboration with RCGs.
FISHN’CO addresses the need to develop Regional Work Plans (RWPs) for the RCGs North Atlantic, North Sea and Eastern Arctic; Baltic; Large Pelagics and Economics Issues, delivering support to these RCGs and the Inter Sessional Sub-Groups (ISSGs). The Thematic Focus Areas (TFAs) are in line with EU-MAP and the RCG intersessional work programmes. These include: Recreational fisheries; Diadromous species; Small Scale Fisheries; Incidental catches of PETS; Stomach sampling; Social and economic data on fisheries and aquaculture; Research surveys at sea; Biological data quality and Commercial fisheries with three case studies and an umbrella group.
Fishn’Co worked in close cooperation with RCG-ISSGs to map out their ambitions in terms of regional coordination and identifying existing knowledge and gaps to inform the design of the RWP structures and decision processes. During this process, five levels of ambitions have been identified, namely; 0-no coordination; 1- coordinated data reporting, 2 – agreed guidelines, 3 – common monitoring strategy and 4 – joint data collection.
As a result the level of ambition for TFAs have been defined and are now presented in this interactive infographic. Within each TFA a set of topics are assesed, namely: common sampling protocol, common regional database; comparability of results; data quality and control data; end-users needs; harmonisation of data collection; improving knowledge about similarity/difference between countries; developing pilot stuy; data collection of other variables
The interactive infographic allows to identify easyly which is the actual level of ambition, and the targetted level for each topic within each TFA. Filters and pop-ups help to this aim and turn this infographic into a very useful tool to have a deeper understanding of the progress made towards regionally coordinated data collection.
Find below the main areas in which the infographic is divided to make the navigation accessible.