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2nd Workshop on a fisheries-based fleet segmentation approach

The 2nd Workshop on a fisheries-based fleet segmentation approach was held on March 2022 and organized by RCG ECON, in the context of the Intersessional subgroup – Novel approach to the segmentation of fishing fleets and the EU Data Collection Framework. The training course involved 38 scientists from 17 Member States (MS) and representatives from ICES and the EU Commission. During two days, 28-30th March… Read More »2nd Workshop on a fisheries-based fleet segmentation approach

identification and handling of vulnerable species incidentally caught

Virtual training course on the identification and handling of vulnerable species incidentally caught during fishing operations

The latest edition of the training course, which held five training sessions in February 2022, involved more than 1500 participants, coming from more than 35 Countries, 14 of which were EU Member States. The training course was co-organized by the GFCM and RCG Med&BS, in the context of the Medbycatch Project and the EU Data Collection Framework. Moreover, four regional organizations working on marine mammals, sea… Read More »Virtual training course on the identification and handling of vulnerable species incidentally caught during fishing operations


Follow RCGs´ work and stay tuned with the latest developments in regional coordination for Fisheries Data Collection

We are coming to an end of a very productive year for regional coordination. Despite having to held annual meetings online RCGs have managed once more to put on the table the most pressing issues about regional coordination for Fisheries Data Collection. You can find all the information below: RCG NANSEA and RCG Baltic Technical meeting Report RCG NANSEA and RCG Baltic Intersessional work Report… Read More »Follow RCGs´ work and stay tuned with the latest developments in regional coordination for Fisheries Data Collection


SAVE THE DATE: Virtual training course on the identification and handling of vulnerable species incidentally caught during fishing operations

Co-organized by the GFCM and RCG Med&BS, in the context of the Medbycatch Project and the EU Data Collection Framework. Objective: Organization of training courses on the identification and handling of vulnerable species incidentally caught in Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries: marine mammals, sea turtles, seabirds, sharks and rays, macrobenthic invertebrates. Intended audience: Scientific observers and experts involved in the monitoring and biological sampling of… Read More »SAVE THE DATE: Virtual training course on the identification and handling of vulnerable species incidentally caught during fishing operations


Regional Work Plans for data collection in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors launched for testing

Two Regional Coordination Groups (RCGs), RCG North Atlantic, North Sea & Eastern Arctic (NANSEA) and RCG Baltic, presented non-binding Regionally coordinated Work Plans (RWP) for data collection in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors for 2022. The Scientific, Economic and Technical Committee for Fisheries (STECF) has evaluated these Regional Work Plans. More info available on STECF 21-17 report The non-binding plans include agreed list of international… Read More »Regional Work Plans for data collection in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors launched for testing


Interview with Els Torreele

Before starting, a brief introduction of the protagonist of this interview. I am Els Torreele, senior scientist at ILVO Marine, located in Ostend (Belgium) and coordinator of the SecWeb project. In my career I’ve been working in fisheries Data Collection, the use of data for different purposes and in diverse advice given by a range of organizations and Frameworks (ICES, STECF, MSFD, …). In recent… Read More »Interview with Els Torreele


Interview with Joël Vigneau

Before starting, a brief introduction of the protagonist of this interview. I am Joël Vigneau, senior fisheries scientist at Ifremer in Normandy (France) and coordinator of the Fishn’Co project. In my career I’ve been involved in both the data collection and its usage for management advice in organisations like ICES, GFCM and NAFO. In the world of fisheries data collection, it’s been a long journey… Read More »Interview with Joël Vigneau


RCGs for fisheries data collection go online

Regional Coordination Groups (RCGs) are now online! The website, funded with support from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), brings more information and details about the work of the RCGs, including details of their meetings, reports and decisions.   RCGs are the main hub for regional coordination and cooperation of the different regions contributing to the fisheries Data Collection Framework. They also coordinate their actions… Read More »RCGs for fisheries data collection go online

4 new initiatives for strengthening regional cooperation in the area of fisheries data collection.

Main challenges In May 2020 the European Commission (EC) launched a call for proposals for strengthening regional cooperation in the area of fisheries data collection (MARE/2020/08), building on the results of the calls launched in 2014 and 2016 and other relevant existing work. This call is financed under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and managed by DG Mare, aiming to support projects that… Read More »4 new initiatives for strengthening regional cooperation in the area of fisheries data collection.