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STREAMLINE Project Concludes with Final Report on Regional Work Plans for Fisheries Data Collection in the Mediterranean and Black Sea

The STREAMLINE grant, titled “Streamlining the establishment of regional work plans in the Mediterranean and Black Sea,” has successfully completed its objectives, paving the way for coordinated regional work on fisheries data collection. The project, which involved fifteen institutes, as partners and supporters, from ten EU Member States in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, (CIBM, COISPA, HCMR, IFREMER, CSIC-IEO, NISEA, NIMRD, IO-BAS, DFMR, IOF, EAFA,… Read More »STREAMLINE Project Concludes with Final Report on Regional Work Plans for Fisheries Data Collection in the Mediterranean and Black Sea

Fishn’Co Project Successfully Concludes its activities and delivers its Final Reports

The Fishn’Co project has achieved successful completion after two years of dedicated work, strengthening EU-wide cooperation in fisheries data collection. As a result of this endeavour, Regional Work Plans (RWPs) have been developed for the Regional Coordination Groups (RCGs) in the North Atlantic, North Sea and Eastern Arctic; Baltic; Large Pelagics; and Economics Issues. The four RWPs aim to enhance data quality, promote sustainable fisheries… Read More »Fishn’Co Project Successfully Concludes its activities and delivers its Final Reports

The Regional Coordination Group for Long Distance Fisheries gears up for a Productive Meeting

The Regional Coordination Group for Long Distance Fisheries (RCG LDF) is pleased to announce its upcoming meeting, scheduled to take place from the 3rd to the 6th of July 2023 in Palanga, Lithuania. The meeting is set to gather experts, stakeholders, and policymakers to engage in fruitful discussions on significant matters concerning long distance fisheries. The RCG LDF annual technical meeting serves as a vital… Read More »The Regional Coordination Group for Long Distance Fisheries gears up for a Productive Meeting

Experts in Large Pelagics Fisheries Convene for Annual Coordination Meeting

The Regional Coordination Group (RCG) Large Pelagics (LP) is meeting for its annual in-person technical meeting from June 26th to June 28th, 2023 in St. Julians, Malta. The meetingbrings together experts and stakeholders in the field of large pelagics species. The RCG LP meeting serves as a crucial platform for exchange of ideas among participants and collaboration between member states. All outputs of the meeting will… Read More »Experts in Large Pelagics Fisheries Convene for Annual Coordination Meeting

Technical Meeting 2023 RCG ECON

The highly anticipated RCG Econ Technical Meeting is set to take place from 5th to 8th June 2023, in Brussels. It brings together expert groups to assist the Commission in the implementation of the (DCF) Data Collection Framework concerning the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector and support for scientific advice regarding the Common Fisheries Policy. The event aims to foster… Read More »Technical Meeting 2023 RCG ECON

RCG NANSEA and RCG Baltic back-to-back Annual Technical Meeting 2023

The AnnualTechnical Meeting 2023 of RCG NANSEA and RCG Baltic, starts with one-day virtual session on May 25th followed by the plenary meeting in Gdansk from 6th to 9th June. This annual event serves as a platform for experts, national correspondents, stakeholders and the Commission to convene and discuss critical topics for the Regional Coordination Groups, paving the way for future actions. During this year’s… Read More »RCG NANSEA and RCG Baltic back-to-back Annual Technical Meeting 2023

RCG-LP Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Data Management & Observer Coordination ISSG Meeting

The Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Data Management & Observer Coordination ISSG meeting took place in a hybrid format, with the participation of 37 people (20 in-person and 17 online). Among the participants were representatives from the Spanish institutes IEO and AZTI, the French institute IRD, DG MARE, ICCAT (end-user), Electronic Monitoring System (EMS) providers, and third countries involved in the sampling, such as Seychelles and… Read More »RCG-LP Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Data Management & Observer Coordination ISSG Meeting

Bilateral and Multilateral Fisheries Agreements: find them at the RCGs’ Repository

We are proud to introduce our latest addition to the Regional Coordination Group’s website: the Repository section. This section is a comprehensive collection of bilateral and multilateral agreements related to fisheries data collection, offering easy access to the existing agreements among different countries. The RCG Repository is a one-stop-shop for bilateral and multilateral agreements related to fisheries data collection. It is equipped with an advanced… Read More »Bilateral and Multilateral Fisheries Agreements: find them at the RCGs’ Repository

Integrating Stakeholder Database into Fisheries Website: A Practical Guide

Based on the Secweb objective for engaging with the data collection fisheries network a stakeholder database has been created and is now available on our website. This tool provides information about registered stakeholders, including contact details, background and interests. The objective is to improve communication within the network by ensuring effective interaction with and among members. To make it easy for anyone to use the… Read More »Integrating Stakeholder Database into Fisheries Website: A Practical Guide

RCG Fish Processing Meeting 2023: key highlights

RCG Fish Processing Meeting 2023: key highlights

The RCG ECON ISSG on Fish processing data collection issues was successfully held virtually on the 18th and 19th of April 2023. The event, organized by RCG ECON in collaboration with NISEA (Italy) and ELGO DIMITRA -FRI (Greece), was chaired by Loretta Malvarosa and Christos Danatskos. The meeting was attended by 30 participants/delegates from 19 MSs and 2 experts from JRC. The aim of the… Read More »RCG Fish Processing Meeting 2023: key highlights